
Guidelines for each Phase

Page history last edited by Renske Hofman 12 years, 4 months ago

Phase 1: Preparation

Phase 2: Introduction

Phase 3: Question

Phase 4: Research and Answers

Phase 5: Summaries

Phase 6: Goodbye



 Phase 1: Preparation


In this Phase we need to make sure that you can access our Learning Circle wiki environment and that you are able to post messages. What will happen is the following:


  • you will receive an invitation email (sent by the Learning Circle facilitator) to join the wiki
  • you should accept the invitation by clicking on the link and entering your name and your own chosen password, in order to become a member of the Learning Circle
  • once you are a member in the Learning Circle, post a test message in the Learning Circle wiki on the "Preparation page".

Should you face a problem, don't hesitate to email us. We really want to see your test message posted.


Good Luck and have fun!




 Phase 2: Introduction

Here we go! Now that you are all set to start we can announce the formal beginning of the Learning Circle. To make things easier we will use the abbreviation LC for the 'Learning Circle".
We welcome teachers (new comers as well as those with previous LC experience) and students. We start with the "Introduction" phase in which teachers, students and the LC facilitators introduce themselves in the wiki.

The goal of this phase is to get to know each other. Both, teachers and students are requested to introduce themselves in the wiki. You will find a dedicated page for your intros on the Introduction page.

The more creative your intros are, the more engaging it is for everyone in the wiki. Remember that the main purpose of these intros is to get to know each other. As a TEACHER you can speak about your profession, background and experience; remember to tell us what is unique and special about your country, community, school, yourself and your class. Of course you can add photos as well. Your STUDENTS intros may include their names, hobbies, their preferences (music, food etc) and of course what is special about them as well!

You probably want to know more about us as well, we have just posted our intros in the wiki, see the Facilitator Introduction!




Phase 3: Question

The question phase is a critical step in the LC process. We ask you to work with your students to formulate a research question for your partners in the Learning Circle around the LC theme. Make sure your question fits the criteria below and feel free to contact your Country Coordinator or me at any time for assistance.
Click on the Question page and post your question in your school space
Remember that asking for "facts and figures" stimulates students to just Google the answer. Values, opinions, interviews, ranking their findings will stimulate students to think


Criteria for quality sponsored question:

  •     The question is posted in the wiki in time
  •     Is related to the theme of the LC
  •     Has clear definition without possible misinterpretation
  •     Taking into consideration cultural differences
  •     Has one main question;   
  •     Clarification could be added in the form of max 3 sub-questions to guide the research   
  •     The question should be 'open' and initiate research
  •     Avoid a 'closed question' that can be answered with Yes/No or very simple answer
  •     The answer need research and critical thinking
  •     The question reflects international and global learning
  •     Avoid focusing on one country or region
  •     If your question doesn't match these criteria the facilitator will ask you to reformulate the  question

Please remember the steps of posting information in the Wiki

  •     Step 1: compose your question in your word processor E.g MS Word.
  •     Step 2: copy the question to notepad
  •     Step 3: click on the "Edit" button above and paste your question in your class space
  •     Step 4: click on the "Save" button to save your work

Remember that those classes that fail to post any information by the end of the 3rd week being teacher, class letters or sponsored questions will be removed from the Learning Circle.

We wish you lots of learning and fun during this Learning Circle!




Phase 4: Research and Answers

During this phase you will research and post the answers to the questions posted by your Learning Circle partners. Planning and organizing your work is an important 21st century skill, so teachers' guidance is important in this phase.


Your students are now going to research and respond to ALL the questions posted by their Learning Circle partners. To make the Learning Circle process interesting, it will be ideal to share responsibilities in your class. We advise you to divide the work amongst your students in such a way that you answer some questions on a weekly basis. It is important to include photos, diagrams, movies, or other materials illustrating your research. This process will take 4 weeks to complete. Students find it very stimulating to see draft answers posted in the wiki; it will stimulate them to work hard(er) on their own research. If your answer is not complete yet, no problem, just add "work in progress" at the end of your draft answer.


Criteria for quality answers:

  •     Answers are clear and posted on time.
  •     Answers respect cultural diversity.
  •     The answer always starts with repeating the question.
  •     Answers should reflect that research has conducted.
  •     It's OK to use Google for research, yet stimulate students to process what they have found and mention the source of their finding by adding the URL or other source.
  •     Post photos, diagrams, tables, presentations or others which can illustrate you research.
  •     The minimum number of words should be for a Communication based LC - 150 words in one answer.


Please remember the steps of posting text information in the Wiki space

  • Step 1: compose your question in your word processor E.g MS Word.
  • Step 2: Copy the question to Notepad
  • Step 3: Click on the "Edit" button above and paste your question in your class space
  • Step 4: Click on the "Save" button to save your work

We wish you lots of learning and fun during this Learning Circle,




Phase 5: Summaries

The "Summary" phase is meant to organise, summarise and reflect on the information received. Every class will read the answers to their question and write a Summary which they will all post on ONE page for all the schools to enjoy at the Summaries page.

The students who post a question are responsible for using the information received and make comparisons across the different regions; for collecting and for editing the material. This process will help them to learn how to review, summarise, evaluate and present information. Remember that also summarising is more than "cut and paste" and an essential 21st century skill. Making a Learning Circle summary actually helps your students to learn and apply that skill.

The following questions are a great way to help students in the summarising process:

  •     Why did we ask the question?
  •     What did we know about the theme when we started?
  •     What did we learn in our classroom?
  •     What did we expect to learn?
  •     What did we learn from the responses of the students?
  •     What was similar or different in the research answers received from the Learning Circle partners?
  •     Why do we think these differences exist?

Once done, please go to the Summaries page and post your summary in the page with your school name.


Criteria for a quality summary:

  •     Is posted on time
  •     The summary should not be a "Copy/Paste " of answers from other groups. It should be the summary of what you have learnt during the process.
  •     What you learnt from your research and the LC answers.
  •     The minimum number of words in the summary should be for a Communication Based LC - 300.

Enjoy the Learning Circle!




Phase 6: Goodbye

Time to say goodbye and evaluate the work completed. After you have completed your Summaries, please feel free to start posting your creative good-bye messages on the "Good-bye" page. Post your "Goodbye Message" and feel free to post a picture of your class.


Survey: your opinion matters. We kindly ask teachers and students to complete the survey. (each teacher and at least 5 students). The evaluation results will help the project coordinators and country coordinators to assess the successes, challenges and the way forward of subsequent Learning Circles. Link to the English survey.







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