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Page with question from LC1 Wolfert Lyceum and space to add your answers

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Our questions come packaged in a challenge.


We would like you to go on a quest through your school!


In this quest we would like you to find the answers to the following questions and videotape them in the most appropriate location in, or perhaps even outside, of your school.


The questions we would like to have answered are the following:


  •  Ask your principal which three rules are the ones that are most being broken by pupils.


  •  Where do you  eat in school and what type of food is mostly eaten? Do you generally bring your own food or do you it at school? What are typical dishes for your country or region?


  •  What would you like to change in your school to improve your learning? This can be both material or immaterial.


  •  In what area is your school situated? Is it urban or rural? Does the location affect your teaching or learning? Is your school typical for your country or an exception?


  •  Does religion play a role in your school or in the way you spend your free time outside of school?


  •  Would you ever like to visit the Netherlands?




Answer from LC2 Sutton Public School

1. We interviewed our school Principal to answer this part of the question:

The rules most broken by pupils are:   chewing gum, bullying, and students using inappropriate language – mostly intermediate students.

2.  We usually eat in our homeroom classes.  Sometimes, some people go out for lunch.  At our school, kids usually have sandwiches with juice boxes.  For teachers at our school they love to have salads with coffee.  Our teacher goes home for lunch every day.  We eat hamburgers, chicken, beef and pork.

3.  We would not like to change any of our learning.  We are very happy with what we are learning about.

4.  Yes, I would like to visit the Netherlands because I’ve heard that there’s snow.  One of our favourite sports is snowboarding and skiing, so that would work out perfectly.  Next time I get to go on a trip I will suggest the Netherlands.

5.  Yes, some people have different opinions and we do have an optional Ojibway program.  We are a public school, not a catholic school, so religion is not a part of our school.

6.  Our school is located one hour away from a city called Toronto.  Our school is not affected by where it is located.  We get to go outside often for gym.  Our school is in a rural area, our township is made up of several different small towns, totaling 46 000 people.   Our town of Sutton has about 5000 people.  Our school is typical  - all the schools in the province have a common curriculum.





Answer from LC3 Hajj Bahaa Eddine Hariri School


Hi everyone.

1-We made interviews with the three head masters of the three cycles in our school.



Mrs. Loutfieh, the head master of cycle three says about the students' age ranging between 12 and 15

* don't like to stick to the uniform. They like to look stylish. Girls like to wear short skirts and boys like to put gel, and these are badly forbidden.

* don't like to follow classroom instructions. They consider themselves above these rules.

* like to bring their cellular phones and mp3 although they know it is noe permissible.



Miss Rabaa, the head master of cycle two, says that students' ages ranging between 9 and 12

* treat each other aggressively.

* don't obey the playground rules. They keep running and nudging each other.

* don't take permission before they speak in class. It takes them time to get acquainted.



Mrs. Mervat, the head master of cycle one, says that students' age ranging between 6 and 9

* have problems at the beginning of the year concerning writing on the agenda. They ask their teachers to write for them.

* refuse to share others especially when thwy work in groups. They are raised at homes where they get all what they want and believe that the things they have are for their own.

* always want to sit on the first row since they bekieve that who sit on the first row are the clever students and those who are close to the teacher.


2- In school we eat during the recess. We go to the playground two times per day at 10:30 and at 12:40. Each recess is 20 minutes. In the first recess we usually eat our sandwiches (cheese, labneh, manoushi etc...) and we drink juice. In the second recess we eat candies (potato chips, biscuits, chocolate, etc...)

In our school there is no cafeteria. We bring our food from home.



Lebanon is famous in its delicious and tasty food. Some dishes become part of our culture like:


Tabouli                                                Homous                                       kebbieh                               mashawii


3-To improve our learning we think that we need the following:

    a- less number of students in the classroom. In each class there are 32 students.

    b- more effective integration of technology in our curriculum.

    c- more activities that excite us amd motivate us to learn.

    d- implement all what we take using blog, wiki....


4- Our school in in Saida, the capital of South Lebanon. In the same street where our school in located we have two other schools. There are few buildings, so the street is very calm. Our school can be considered as an exception. All other schools in Lebanon are very expensive, so parents can't handle the big amount of money that should be paid for each academic year. But our school is different. All the facilities found in the expensive schools are found in ours, but we don't pay much. We pay about 25% of what we should pay if we were in other schools.

5- In our school there are students from different religion and even different nationalities. We have never thought of these differences, and we have never discussed the issue.

6- To give an answer if we would like to visit Netherlands or not, we make a research to know more about this country, and that what we have found.

 The weather the coming week will be as follows.





Some famous dishes are:



Erwtensoep                             Rijsttafel


Places to visit in Netherlands



Amersfoort old church                                               Delta project                                                      Maastricht Vrijthof


After all what we have learned about Netherlands, it will be a pleasure to visit such a beautiful country and to spend happy days in it.












Answer from LC4 Kaohsiung Jhengsing Junior High School


1. Our principal told us three rules that are most being broken, the first one is that students don’t go back to school to sweep and clean up the school in summer or winter vacation (We do cleaning three times a day. In the long vacation, classes take turns to return to school for cleaning school environment.); the second is that students don’t go into class on time without appropriate reasons; the third is that students don’t hand in the homework to their teachers.



2.  In school, we usually eat rice and noodles. We don’t need to bring our own lunch to school. The school kitchen will prepare our lunch, and our school has a nutritionist taking care of our lunch, so our lunch is different every day. Our lunch has rice or noodles, meat, vegetables, soup and fruit. A meal cost about US$1.5. We eat in the classroom.


3. We hope to build a bigger school library with more books and a comfortable reading environment. Now the school library is a little small. If it can be decorated beautifully and comfortably, that will motivate students to read. We also need to increase more library resources, not only Chinese books but also English readings. 

On the other hand, we hope to reduce tests and exams at school. Now we have tests almost every day. For the high school entrance exam, we have more tests in the 9th grade. We hope to change the evaluation ways to reduce the learning pressure. Use more evaluation methods instead of tests.


4.  Our school is located in Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan. Kaohsiung is a big city, so life here is very convenient. But because of the location, it is hot almost the year round. That will affect our learning. Lots of school didn’t have air conditioner. In summer, it will be very hot though we have at least 6 fans in the classroom. The heat makes us lose attention on learning. Our school is a public school. It is typical in our country.


5. A wide diversity of religions can be found in Taiwan, but religions don’t play a role in our school. We don’t have any learning related to religions. We don’t talk about or discuss religions in class. Religion is not an important part of life for most of the students.


6.  We’d like to visit the Netherlands. The Netherlands once occupied Taiwan in 1624, so we are curious about the Netherlands and we’d like to see if the culture and environment of the Netherlands are very different from ours.



Answer from LC5 Canisius


oembed errorPlugin error: This URL is not valid for embedding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCeT_FM_E6o





1.   Ask your principal which three rules are the ones that are most being broken by pupils.  


1.      Use of mobile phones in the lessons.

2.      Being too late in the morning

3.      Make a mess of the school building


2. Where do you eat in school and what type of food is mostly eaten? Do you generally bring your own food or do you it at school?


     In a big dining area downstairs. Most of them bring their own food, sometimes they buy food at school.



 3.          What would you like to change in your school to improve your learning? This can be both material or immaterial.

     We want to change a lot of things, one of them is use you mobile phone as your diary.


 4.          In what area is your school situated? Is it urban or rural? Does the location affect your teaching or learning? Is your school typical for your country or an exception? 


     Our school is situaded in the east of the Netherlands, close to Germany. This is a in a rural area.

     The average of the people on our school lives in a distance of 20-30 kilometers.


 5.          Does religion play a role in your school or in the way you spend your free time outside of school?


     Our school is originally a Roman Catholic school. Most of the students in our class are not that religious anymore. We celebrate Christmas, Carnaval or Eastern. Every school day we  

     open with short text, we call a "dagopening." It is not a prayer but it has always stuff to think about. 






Answer from LC6 Morning Star School Ltd:


The three rules which are most broken by pupils are:

  1. No chewing of gum in school.
  2. Do not play soccer after the school is closed.
  3. Do not arrive at school late.


We eat mostly in the canteen as well as our other friends do. The food that is mostly eaten is Fried Rice with Chicken. We don’t bring our own food to school. Typical dishes for our country are Kenkey with fish, pepper and Banku.


What we would like to change in our school is the toilet facilities and that they should serve water in our school.


Our school is located in Cantonments, Accra in Ghana. Accra is the capital city of Ghana. The location of our school doesn’t affect our learning at all. Our school can be considered to be typical, simple and the best in the region.


Religion doesn’t change anything in our school. We are ONE.


We would greatly love to visit Netherlands. EVEN TODAY!!






Answer from LC7 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Patrice and Natalie:


QUESTION ONE: Ask your principal…

Which 3 rules are most broken by students and why?

(Answered by:  Samantha, Victoria and Carolyn)


  1. Not keeping ‘hands to self’ – This goes for our younger students at our school. They do this because they act before they think, and when they get mad they automatically react in an impulsive manner.
  2. Using cell phones – This goes for our older students who have phones, they use their phones because it is like an addiction and it is a way of communicating with others. Students are also tempted to use their phones because they think no one will find out.
  3. Not being where students are supposed to be at a certain times.  For example, when students are supposed to be outside at recess they often come inside because they want to avoid the cold weather outside.  This problem tends to be more chronic during the winter time.


QUESTION TWO:  Where do you eat in your school and what type of food is mostly eaten?  Dou you generally bring your own food or do you buy/get it at school?  What are typical disched fro your country or region?

(Answered by: The Entire Class)


QUESTION 2:  Our school does not have a cafeteria, so students must eat their lunches in their classrooms. The types of foods we normally eat are sandwiches, fruit, juice/milk and a snack like cookies or chips. Because we are a “Healthy School”, everyone tries to bring a balanced meal, which sometimes means that we bring in leftovers from last night’s dinner.  This is always good!  For a quick meal, we sometime eat something called a “Lunchable”, which is a ready-packed meal that parents can buy at the store.  It’s not always the healthiest choice, but they are convenient and fun to eat- especially for the younger students.  We big students find the serving sizes to be too small.



We do have special days and programs at our school to give us even more variety. For example, on Mondays, we can have pizza; and on Thursdays, we he can have a submarine sandwich from a famous sandwich shop called “Subway”. Throughout the week, we can also have a hot meal that is provided by a company called "The Lunch Lady.”  These meals are delivered to our classrooms.  They can be anything from macaroni and cheese with a Caesar salad, to a chicken parmesan wrap.


QUESTION 3:  What would you like to change in your school to improve your learning, and why?

(Answered by Abbas and Dylan)


What we would like to change in our school is:


1.  The no gum-chewing rule!  We think it's a silly rule because no one goes around sticking their gum under desks and tables.  I mean, that's just gross!  I wish teachers realized that we are responsible and can be trusted not to abuse the privilege of chewing gum.  We do understand that chewing gum can affect how well we speak, especially in French class, so it makes sense not to chew it then.  We also know that gum can also be a distraction as well as a choking hazard.  So, chewing gum in Gym class is probably not a good idea.  Otherwise, we think that gum chewing should be allowed.  Besides that, we did some research and found out that gum chewing actually increases Math scores!  Check out the article about that in the Daily Mail at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2072816/Chewing-gum-tests-improves-scores.html


Here is a clip from that article:


"It has been banished from classrooms for decades.  But now it seems schools should be encouraging their students to chew gum, after a study found it boosted their performance in tests.  Researchers at St Lawrence University in Canton, New York, found those who chewed gum for five minutes before a test got better marks than those who didn't."


2.  Another thing we also wish we had to assist our learning is more personal technologies that will make everyone's work easier.  Sure, we have a lot of technology like iPads and netbooks, but if we all could use software that writes everything we say, that would be super cool!  Some students have access to these types of programs at our school, but it would be neat if we ALL had personal, touch screen, voice command computers integrated into our desks!  I guess that would be really expensive though, and students aren't always careful, which  means that the equipment would probably get broken or damaged, which just costs even more money!

QUESTION FOUR:  In what area is your school...

(Answered by:  The entire class)


Our school and homes are located in an area called Maple, Ontario, which is neither a rural or urban area.  We would describe surburban as a mixture of the two.  For example, in our area which is a very new development that is located north of our biggest Canadian city, Toronto, it's actually not that strange to find a field of sheep in between a busy mall and a new school.  Canada has a lot of untouched or unused land, so this is not very weird at all, although it can be smelly:P   


Here is a map of where we live.  As you can see, we have a lot of neighbourhoods. The picture beside the map is of a school just south of us that has a farm on it.  What you can't see is that the school is located right beside a mall, apartment and large houses! 


Having nature so close to us means that we don't have to go far to learn or teach about about rural life and can actually participate in it, which is the best way to learn.  It also helps us to appreciate the work that farmers do and not forget where our milk, eggs, meat and other foods come from.  It's like a constant reminder.


Our school is very typical of schools in our area.  In fact, our school has the same look and layout of a school down the street from us:


Nellie McClung P. S.                                        Solar panels on the roof of Nellie McClung P.S.               Our School- Herbert H. carnegie- similar design, but no solar panels 

 Nellie McClung P.S.

The big difference between our school and the other one is that they have rooftop solar panels and we don't.  It would be amazing if we also had solar panels, but their school is newer than ours.  Another thing you'll find with our schools is that we have have multiple schools with the same name.  For example, in our province, there are at least two schools named "Stephen Lewis seconday School; one is in Mississauga and the other one is in our district.  This is what they look like:


         Mississauga                                                           Vaughan (Maple)



QUESTION FIVE:  Does religion play a role in your school or in the way you spend your free time outsdie of school?

(Answered by:  The Entire Class)


Our school is a PUBLIC school, which means that anyone, regardless of religion, is free to attend. Because of this, we have many cultures, races and religions learning together. Unlike Catholic, Islamic, Jewish and other "SEPARATE" schools, we don't study RELIGION as a course. However, we encourage people to share their beliefs, and we celebrate them through displays, assemblies and announcements. Otherwise, we have a common curriculum that teaches us to respect all religious beliefs, but it's a very personal and individual decision how obvious you want to be about what you believe.  A lot of the students in our class will do activities outside of class that relates to their religion.  Many attend mosques, temples and churches on special days and for special occasions.  We also have holidays like Eid, Yom Kippur and Easter where students and teachers will be away because it is their holy days.  On these days, we’re not allowed to receive homework from our teachers, and that’s even if we’re not Muslim, Jewish or Christian!  Pretty sweet!


QUESTION SIX:  Would you ever like to visit the Natherlands?

(Answered by AJ)


So, I did some reserach and decided that I would visit the Netherlands, but not live there.  Your school is a very cool building, which is enough to make me want to visit, but after doing some research, I've realized that it would only be a short visit.  Here is why:


PROS:  Reasons why the Netherlands would be a great place to visit


- Your school has the coolest design ever!  And your architecture is SICK (Cool)!


-  The canals and bikes are a neat way to get around- lots of exercise!

- You have a queen and a royal family, which makes you a kingdom!  That's kind of neat!

- You have modern Art and historical museums such as the Vincent Van Gogh museum and Anne Franks house.


CONS:   Reasons why I would hesitate


- Because you're below sea level, there is a greater chance for floods.  Yikes, I am scared of being washed away!

- Canada is a multicultural society, which means that I would miss not seeing sooooo many different cultures and races around me!

- You're densely populated, which for someone who lives in a country that is so underpopulated, may make me feel a little squished.

- The Red Light District is not very family or kid-friendly:))





Answer from LC8 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Rebecca and Laura:

Food: The foods that are predominantly Canadian are poutine, which is french fries with gravy and cheese, and Beaver tails, which fried dough/pastry, dipped in different kinds of sauce (chocolate for example) with toppings such as fruit or whipped cream. Beaver tails can also just be covered in sugar. We also have milk in bags here, which we have heard is not found in many countries. The milk comes in 1 litre plastic bags, which you put in a container kind of like a large cup. You cut the plastic bag in a corner, and that is how the milk is poured out.

The 3 rules that are most often broken in our school are:

1) The use  of cellphones (students try to sneak their phones in the school and use them for texting/calling/playing games)

2) Bus safety (students stand up on the bus when they are not allowed to)

3) Physical contact

Our school is located in Maple, which is a small city located North of Toronto, in the province of Ontario. Canada has 10 provinces (Ontario being 1 of them) and 3 territories.

Herbert Carnegie is a public school (public schools are schools that anyone, regardless of religion or background, can attend, which are free from grade 1 until grade 12), and because of that we do not learn religion in our school. During our free time we either play on different electronic devices (laptops, gaming devices), or we hang out with our friends and families.

We would like to visit the Netherlands because we like exploring new things and travelling to different places.We have also heard a lot of interesting facts about the Netherlands, such as having 300 castles open to the public, and 4400 kms of rivers/water streams.



Answer from LC9 Nellie McClung P.S., Tracy and Nicole:



Q: Ask your principal which three rules are the ones that are most being broken by pupils.

  1. Fighting
  2. Improper recycling
  3. Bullying

One way to stop bad behaviour is for people to stop being angry, so when were are all happy there won’t be any violence. One way to stop improper recycling is to go over in your class about proper garbage disposal and what should be recycled.


Q: Where do you eat in school and what type of food is mostly eaten? Do you generally bring your own food or do you it at school? What are typical dishes for your country or region?

    • We surveyed our class to find out if they usually eat lunch from school or from home = 11 people said from School; 8 people said from home
    • In Ontario, many people usually eat pasta, rice and chicken with some side dish. Some typical side dishes are friends and vegetables for meals.
    • We surveyed our class to determine the type of food that is mostly eaten:

Pasta (2 votes); Pizza (2 votes); Rice (1 vote); Chicken (4 votes); Other (4 votes)


Q: What would you like to change in your school to improve your learning? This can be both material or immaterial.

    • We could improve our learning by using more in class electronics to research (including MacBooks and iPads)


Pictures of our Poster Presentations:



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