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Question from LC6 Morning Star School Ltd and space to add your answers

Page history last edited by nicoleacomb 11 years, 10 months ago



Why do you think as though we have different cultures, we should be united as one?


Answer from LC1 Wolfert Lyceum


Because we are all the same. We are having different cultures but we are all human and if one country is in trouble all the other countries will help that country. That's why we think we are united as one 

Because the people can take over the good elements and we are making the world better. 




Answer from LC2 Sutton Public



In Canada we allow people from different cultures to be themselves.  We allow them to keep their cultures.  This is different from the United States, for example, where they are considered more of a “melting pot”.  People are supposed to conform to become American.  In Canada we have many different cultures like First Nations.  They have certain advantages like their own reserves, and the ability to attend university at no cost.  Other cultures in Canada we have a Chinese culture, African, Russian, European, really, from all over the world. These people from different cultures are free to practice their own religion, speak their own languages, we offer communication in so many languages for school families to read.  We do expect that different cultures follow Canadian laws and our rights and responsibilities as citizens. 

Here in Sutton, we do not have much multi-culturalism at all.  This is not the norm for our school board.  Down in the south of our board, there is a lot of multi-culturalism.  Here at our school we have only about 5 Black students, 2 Asian students, one family of First Nations.  So our experience is very limited here at our school.  Many of our students choose to go to different high schools where there is more multi-culturalism.


We should be united as one because we can learn from each other.  If everyone was the same that would be very boring.  We fear what we do not know or understand.  If we can learn about different cultures we won’t fear them any more.  We could avoid wars and have peace if we understood all cultures.  By being together we could achieve true equity within OUR world.


Answer from LC3 Hajj Bahaa Eddine Hariri School


We think we have different cultures because each country on the world was envaded by different groups and cultures. As for Lebanon, many groups representing different cultures came to our country. Some of these groups are: Phoenicians,  the Assyrians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Ottoman Turks and the French, Lebanese culture is affected by all of these groups. 


Pictures of some of these groups.




Romans                                  Greeks                                                                                 persians.

Answer from LC4 Kaohsiung Jhengsing Junior High School


Though we live in different part of the world, we are still on the same Earth. We connect with each other and influence each other. For example, if an area has an environmental problem, it will not just influence that area, and then it will influence his neighbors and even all over the world. We should work together to deal with human problems. On the other hand, we think the rich countries have responsibilities to help the poor countries. Some people with more resource enjoy comfortable life, but cause the unfair international capital and labor flows. The influence is cross-cultural. We have to face it and work together to find a solution. Even though we have different culture and traditions, we could still unit as one. After all, we will always be on the same planet!




Answer from LC5 Canisius


We all are people with the same mind, but we live in a other environments and also food, water and clothes are different.


There are many differences in countries, because of the economy, sectors, wheater and culture. For example, if you live in a agricultural sector you live in a farm and work with cows and sheeps. The agricultural sectors need other things than the services. They buy other things, farmers buy animal food and seeds and money what they make go's directly to the farmers. Services you don't need seeds. Mostly you need , like a laptop. Also the weather is a main factor, which has its influence on many aspects of life.


I think you mustn’t be united as 1 because otherwise I think live will getting boring all the people are the same. Different cultures is more special. You can learn from each other. I think it must be the same as it now is.


Answer from LC7 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Patrice and Natalie:


In order to begin answering this question we need to understand that there is a difference between being united and being the same. Some people may feel that if the whole world is united we will all have the same beliefs and same religion and be one culture. However, to us being united means to get along and have peace in our world and to eliminate war, without changing our personal beliefs or cultures. We feel that we should be united because we are all the same in many ways and we all live on this earth together.


Additionally, being united despite our different cultures comes with many benefits. For example, we believe that uniting as one will reduce racism and discrimination. Canada is a very diverse country where we all work together in peace and we believe that this way of life is working very well for us. We work together to keep peace in our country, for instance, we don’t have an army but we have peacekeepers. Canada is a united country but our unity mostly only benefits the people of Canada. Therefore, we believe that if our whole world was united, there would be many more benefits for many more people around the world, despite how many cultures and races we have in the world. Those are just two examples of how being united as one can benefit our world, but there are many more.


                               By: Carolyn, Dylan, Victoria, Coleman and Aidan 


Answer from LC8 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Rebecca and Laura:






Answer from LC9 Nellie McClung P.S., Tracy and Nicole:


We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values.


Quote: “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”

-J.K. Rowling


Our poster for our presentation



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