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Herbert H Carnegie Public School Rebecca and Laura

Page history last edited by rebecca.skill@yrdsb.edu.on.ca 11 years, 11 months ago

Here is the introduction from our class! More to come...


Dear Learning Circle Members,


            We are pleased to introduce our Future Ace school, Herbert H. Carnegie. Our school is relatively new, it was only built 4 years ago so we are lucky to have a lot of privileges here that many other schools don’t have. The grades here range from Junior kindergarten, all the way up to grade 8.  After grade 8, students graduate from elementary school and head off to high school.


            You’re probably wondering why our school has a name like “Herbert”.  Well, this is because our school is named after a very famous African American named Doctor Herbert Carnegie. Doctor Carnegie was the first African American who almost made it into the NHL but was turned away because of the colour of his skin. Instead of letting it break his spirit, Doctor Carnegie went on to create a hockey league in Ontario named Future Aces and developed a creed which inspires people to live up to their true character and always be the best that they can be. Our school is founded on this creed and the belief that if you demonstrate a future ace attitude all of the time, you will live up to your potential and be a positive person.


            School life here is probably very different than it is at your school.  Our day begins very early, at 8:15am and ends at 2:35pm. Throughout the day, we have eight 40min periods, one morning recess, and an hour for lunch.  The subjects that we have here are math, literacy, history, science, geography, history, gym, music, art, health and drama. There are a wide range of extracurricular activities that are offered here, from varies sports such as volleyball and basketball, to a wide variety of clubs including students council, eco-club, and glee club.


Our class is made up of 26 grade 7 students; 11 boys and 15 girls.  All of us are between the ages of 11 and 12 years old. Some of our hobbies include playing sports, arts and craft, playing video games and listening music.


This is our first time taking part in a program like this and we are excited to get started.


Here is a picture of our school and logo, we are the Carnegie Aces!




Meet Our Class!!


Class Introduction.MPG




Place the introduction of the class and teacher here... visit the CoolTools wiki to enrich your introductions!

Comments (2)

Renske Hofman said

at 9:45 pm on Oct 13, 2012

Hi Class and teacher! We would love to see your movie but downloading the file on school computers is not always possible. The wiki has a build in movie player, check out this page: https://gtpcooltools.pbworks.com/w/page/59916938/WIKI%20movie%20player to see how this works!

Would love to see your movie! Laurenske

Renske Hofman said

at 10:19 am on Oct 8, 2012

Hi everybody!

Thank you for introducing your school! We can't wait to know your names end of course see you!

Regards from Holland :)

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