Are our customs and traditions sustainable in a 21st Century world?
(a): Will our customs and traditions survive a 21st Century world?
(b): What customs and traditions define you...your culture?
(c): Trends or traditions? Is our 21st Century world creating more or less of each?
Answer From LC1 Wolfert Lyceum
We have divided our class in several groups that have independently answered you questions. Good luck with combining all the info from all the schools!
a No, people go with the time and the old traditions remain behind, because that traditions aren't hip anymore.
b. Our country is a democracy. We can vote for the group that we want to get in the government.
c. There are more and more trends, but there are also trends going away. Some traditions continue to exist, but there are also traditions going away. There are more modern traditions.
a. Maybe some, because the more century's you go further in time, the more you are having a more modern culture. And some because if you want that traditions stay, it will happen.
b. Wooden shoes, getting married, Christmas, Santa Claus, Easter.
c. Trends are getting more and traditions are getting less because there aren't many in our country. And people are getting more indvidual.
Answer from LC2 Sutton Public School
What customs and traditions define you and your culture?
We are defined by: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s day, Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Hallowe’en, New Year’s eve.
Are our customs and traditions sustainable in a 21st century world?
I think most of our traditions such as New Year’s eve, celebrating Canada day, Christmas , Hallowe’en, Easter and Remembrance Day to remember our heros will survive into a 21st century world. Other smaller ones probably won’t survive.
Answer from LC3 Hajj Bahaa Eddine Hariri School
Our customs and traditions were not born yesterday. Hundreds of years ago and the Lebanese people are known by their traditional dance dabkeh and their tasty food like taboleh, kebeh, homos, etc...

Tourists come from different countries to know more about our customs and traditions. We would like to share you some of our customs and traditions. For example, on Adha Feast it is a tradition to gather at grandma's house on the first day where we celebrate and have lunch. Also it is a tradition that people go to the cemetry and visit their relatives. Usually they do this a day before Adha or Fitir Feast.
Also it is a tradition to serve what you prepares of sweets at home to your relatives.
meghli: avery tasty sweet done when a baby is born. it is a tradition to send a plate of it to the relatives.
Answer from LC4 Kaohsiung Jhengsing Junior High School
We think our customs and traditions will be sustainable and survive in the 21st century world. Traditions and customs, such as shared beliefs, values, customs, symbols, artifacts, activity and behaviors, dressing, food, religion, heroes, etc., have passed down from our ancestors for thousands of years. They shape our society and influence our daily life deeply. We don’t think they will disappear suddenly in this century; on the other hand, though traditions may have a little change in modern world, they will still keep passing down in the future.
There are many customs and traditions in our society. The most important spirit behind them is the reunion of family. Our culture doesn’t value individualism. We are collectivistic and relationship oriented. The spirit exists in most of our traditional festivals. Almost in each big festival, like the Chinese New Year, the Moon Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, etc., family members come back home to get together with the whole family. That is a very important moment. In addition, in Taiwan, we respect older adults in family, at work, at school, even in public. You have to respect the old and be polite. For example, when we have meals, we let the oldest person like grandparents eat first, then parents and other adults, and finally children. At school, when the teacher enters the classroom and starts class, we students all have to stand up, take a bow and say greetings (like “Good morning, Teacher.”) together. Then after the teacher nods to us and responds with greeting, we can sit down. On the bus, leaving seats for the older adults is another manner we have been taught to follow.
We are not really sure if the 21st century would create more or less traditions or trends, but we think it will be ‘‘less’’. In the 21st century, what most people prefer is do things in fast, convenient, and simple ways. Traditions like some complicated rituals may disappear. In addition, compared to the old time, we have a very different life style full of all kinds of mobile technology tools. They connect people in different parts of the world and make information spread very fast, which make the world has higher similarities than before.
Answer from LC5 Canisius
(a) Will our customs and traditions survive a 21st century world?
Yes, I think the old customs will disappear. But there will come new customs or traditions, like trends. Trends in for example fashion, can be a new custom to. The old customs will disappear, but there are some towns in the Netherlands where they sell this customs and wear them sometimes, such as Volendam. I think that the most traditions will survive, because some of them are hundreds of years old. I think that for example Sinterklaas will survive. Sinterklaas is comparable to the English Santa Claus. But, Sinterklaas is before Christmas, on the 5th of December. And Santa Claus is at Christmas. But like Santa Claus, Sinterklaas give presents to the children. Its very nice to celebrate this tradition with your family and friends.

(b) What customs traditions and tradition define you.... your culture?The people respect each other and treat each other as equals. A joke about the Dutch people is: We have found out the electrical wire, because two people were drawing on one cent. We're very greed with money. We always want to have the cheapest.Our sense of humor tends to be dry. Sometimes we can accros a little bit negative or crital. Don't worry we're only interest in you.
Dutch delicacies.
* Haring (Herring) that is raw fish with onions.
* Kroket en Frikandel (fried and meat rolls)
* Hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles), usually eaten on bread.
*Speculaas (windmill cookies) - spiced biscuits of different shapes.
*Kaas (cheese) -
People think that we're this, with many drugs, Old Dutch Clothes, walking on clogs, that there are everywhere farms.
But that isn't true we're just like you all, not everyone uses drugs, no one wears Old Dutch Clothes in daily life. etc. Actually we're like this:
(c)Trends or traditions? Is our 21st Century world creating more or less of each?
Our world is creating more and more traditions. There will always be fashion trends. We think our old traditions will disappear and new traditions will born. So, there will be more trends and less traditions.
Answer from LC6 Morning Star School Ltd:
Answer from LC8 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Rebecca and Laura:
Customs and traditions are common practices and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation. We believe that it will be difficult to sustain all of our customs and traditions in a 21st century world. As we are growing as a country, we are becoming more multicultural, and beginning to merge and modify our traditions.
Some traditions that religious people follow in Canada are attending religious places such as churches, mosques and synagogues on specific days. Also, some people eat certain foods on special days. Others choose to fast and do not eat at all for a certain amount of time. Modern day distractions have kept many people from continuing to follow traditions.
Since we are very multicultural in Canada, sometimes we choose to merge or modify our existing traditions. As we meet new people and learn about different traditions we accept them and incorporate them into our own. We try to merge 2 different traditions together to make our own customs more enlightening. Thus, we begin a new era for our traditions.
All in all, we believe that traditions are not being followed as closely as they used to be due to different factors such as diversity.
Answer from LC9 Nellie McClung P.S., Tracy and Nicole:
Are our customs and traditions sustainable in a 21st Century world?
(a): Will our customs and traditions survive a 21st Century world?
We believe that our traditions will survive a 21st century world with a few minor changes but still including the main reason of celebration.
Also religious celebrations, for example, Christians believe that Jesus was born on that day. Those religious celebrations will stay in the 21st century world because of what people believe in. In conclusion, we believe that these customs will stay alive in the 21st century.
(b): What customs and traditions define you...your culture?
We have different customs and traditions that define all cultures all over the world, for example in Canada most Canadian citizens celebrate Canada Day because Canada formed a country when 4 provinces agreed to join together and was no longer to be ruled by Britain on July 1st, 1867. Other examples of customs in Canada are Passover, New Years and other customs.
(c): Trends or traditions? Is our 21st Century world creating more or less of each?
In the 21st century we believe there will be more trends because there are more celebrities with their own look for example, Selena Gomez, Justin Beiber and One Direction, etc.
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