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Question from LC9 Nellie McClung PS, Tracy and Nicole and space to add your answers

Page history last edited by Maurits 11 years, 10 months ago


Our LC is interested in learning more about your country's aboriginal people.


1. Who are the aboriginal people in your country?

2. How have they (aboriginal people) influenced you country?

3. How have aboriginals affected today's world?


Answer From LC1 Wolfert Lyceum


We have had three groups independently answer your questions. Together they give a nice little picture of our history.

Good luck with the next step in the LC.


1. The aboriginal people in our country were the “Germanen”.
2. We do have the language from the “Germanen” and they started to build some road's that still exist now.
3. The migration


1. The Teutons..
2. They founded the first villages that still exist now in our country.

3. Their way of thinking, with a lot of logical reasoning.


1. The “Germanen”.
2. Building farms.
3. We still have 'hunnenbedden'. They were graves for humans and are found in the northeast of our country. 





Answer from LC2 Sutton Public School

The aboriginal people in our country are the Inuit, the First Nations and the Metis.  They are found all over Canada.  We have some First Nations in the Reserve on Georgina Island, Fox Island and Snake Island.

The aboriginal people of today influence our country.  They invented snowshoes and the first wooden cedar strip canoes.  They make people want to get outside and do activities instead of sitting in front of the tv.   They can go for a nice long hike with the snowshoes instead of watching a long marathon of your favourite tv show. 

The aboriginal people have affected us so much.  They have shown us different ways of life.  They have such a respect for nature.  They have introduced different types of the warmest clothing made from real fur like seals, and other leathers.  They have introduced wild rice, and different ways to hunt.  They have different battle strategies and have helped us in several wars.  Without the First Nations, our world would be a very different place. 


Metis traditional sash.   


Answer from LC3 Hajj Bahaa Eddine Hariri School

The original people in our country are the Phoenician people.



Phoenicia gave us the Purple Dye,  Phonetic Alphabet, sea trade and Carthage.


One of the most important ideas the Phoenicians spread was the alphabet. They turned pictures into letters. In fact, our own alphabet comes from the letters the Phoenicians invented.




The Phoenicians became famous for another invention, too. It was a secret dye used to color cloth. The dye was made from snails that lived along the coast. The Phoenicians boiled thousands of snails to make just a tiny bit of dye. The dye was very costly. Named after the city of Tyre, it was called Tyrian purple.


The Phoenicians traded the purple cloth. Only very rich people could buy it. Royalty decorated their palaces with the purple cloth. They wore robes of Tyrian purple. The color purple came to stand for power and wealth. It became a royal color.



One of the most important ideas the Phoenicians spread was the alphabet. They turned pictures into letters. In fact, our own alphabet comes from the letters the Phoenicians invented.



The Phoenicians became famous for another invention, too. It was a secret dye used to color cloth. The dye was made from snails that lived along the coast.



The Phoenicians boiled thousands of snails to make just a tiny bit of dye. The dye was very costly. Named after the city of Tyre, it was called Tyrian purple.

 The Phoenicians traded the purple cloth. Only very rich people could buy it. Royalty decorated their palaces with the purple cloth. They wore robes of Tyrian purple. The color purple came to stand for power and wealth. It became a royal color.






Answer from LC4 Kaohsiung Jhengsing Junior High School


The aboriginal people in my country can be divide into two major groups : Gaoshan, living in eastern Taiwan and mountains areas; Pingpu, living in western Taiwan and plain areas.  According to places where the indigenous people live, there are  14 tribes recognized, including Saysait, Tayal, Taroko, Seediq, Bunun, Tsou, Rukai, Paiwan, Thao, Puyuma, Amis, Tao, Sakizaya, Kavalan.


Aboriginal people are talented at music and arts. Each tribe has their own specific symbol and culture. They make us have rich and diverse cultures. Many popular signers in Taiwan are aboriginal people. They not only sing but write beautiful songs. Besides, Rukai and Paiwan's colored glass work making and carving, Bunun's fur clothes, Tayal and Taroko's jew's harp, Bunun and Amis' chorus, andPaiwan’s weaving are all treasures of our culture. Each tribe also has its own festival, such as, the hundred-pacer Paiwan, Amis harvest festival, Saisiyat family of dwarf spiritual sacrifices, up to the Tao Flying Fish Festival, Bunun Ear offering facial tattoos of the Atayal, Puyuma monkey Festival. These special events also increase Taiwan's tourism income.



The theme song “Return to Innocence” of the 1996 Summer Olympics held in Atlanta, USA adapted Amis Aboriginal Song in Taiwan. Though there is an issue about copyright, this is a case of international influence. Art crosses national borders. The following video is the original piece.




Answer from LC5 Canisius


Who are the aboriginal people in your country?

Almost all Dutchmen are aboriginals in their country, because many Germanic peoples came to our country and settled here around 400 BC and mixed with the people who already lived here: Frisians, Saxons and Celts.


How have they (aboriginal people) influenced you country?

In a big way, because the Dutchmen are the aboriginals, they made their one culture and society. This culture was later influences by other immigrant who came to our country, like Jews, French protestant refugees and many others.


How have aboriginals affected today's world?

They have affected today’s world in many ways. For example economically, socially. We still use many rituals from the pagan times, like the Christmas tree or the Eastern eggs. Furthermore we are famous for our water engineering and so on.




Answer from LC6 Morning Star School Ltd:






Answer from LC7 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Patrice and Natalie:


Question: who are the aboriginal people in your country?


            The aboriginal people of Canada have taught us many different lessons and ways of life that we probably wouldn’t have figured out without their help. But who exactly are the aboriginals? They are the first people to come to this land and live off the natural resources to survive.   This means that we are the immigrants!


Some examples of the aboriginals (also known as the first Nations and their tribes/families) are: Mohawk, Iroquois, Cree, Métis, Algonquin, and Huron. These are some of the most famous tribes that were either independent, or had an alliance with the English or French to support them in defence, just in case some other groups were to come invade and start a fight.


By the way, First Nation groups only make up 2.5% of canada's population!  That's tiny, yet their impact is pretty big!



How have aboriginal people impacted Canada and the World today?


Aboriginal people have impacted Canada even up to the present day. Here are some of the reasons that have made Canada what it is today.


            The first way they have impacted Canada is by showing us different ways to create remedies for medicine and have evolved the understanding of ways to prevent illness. They have also showed us new ways of transportation such as canoes, snow shoes, and toboggans. They have also invented and showed us lots of different categories of sports such as lacrosse and archery.


On a more global scale, aboriginal technologies such as snowshoes, as well as spirituality and a profound respect for the environment have influenced how we travel across and treat the land.  Musical instruments such as the drum and dance have also contributed to worldwide entertainment, and aboriginal musicians such as Shania Twain (who is Canadian, by the way) have changed how we listen to and create music!


Answer from LC8 Herbert H. Carnegie Public School, Rebecca and Laura:

Aboriginal peoples were the first settlers in North America. There were many tribes living all across Canada, including the Inuit, Metis, Iroquois and Huron. The word “Canada” itself derives from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, meaning “village” or “settlement”. When the Europeans settled in Canada, the aboriginals traded materials like fur for different tools, and helped the Europeans survive the harsh Canadian winters.

In the past, the Inuit lived in igloos and tepees. The igloos were made from hard packed snow and ice. To shape the igloos perfectly, they had to use knifes and steel to cut them into shape. There are 11 Aboriginal language groups in Canada, made up of more than 65 distinct dialects.

The aboriginals are responsible for a lot of traditional art, dances, music, and games which we see in Canada today.


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